Contentsquare Launches Its Incubator-Accelerator: Atomic Labs



November 18, 2020 | 2 min read

Last Updated: Jan 18, 2024

New ecosystem will fuel the growth of data-driven startups.

Digital experience analytics leader Contentsquare today announced the launch of its first incubator-accelerator program, Atomic Labs. The new ecosystem will help the most innovative companies accelerate their growth utilising Contentsquare’s network, technology and people. 

“At Contentsquare we are passionate about innovation, and we’re excited to support emerging companies that share our sense of disruption. Our ultimate goal is to help entrepreneurs realize their vision, scale their solutions and accelerate their growth. Atomic Labs will empower only the most innovative technology startups with a unique competitive advantage, as we offer support for them to scale fast by leveraging our best-of-breed patented technologies, partners and people —  including the 200 people we have in our R&D team.” comments Jonathan Cherki, Founder and CEO, Contentsquare. 

Atomic Labs will incorporate two types of programs: 

  • The Incubator Program (Atomic Labs: Incubate) is designed for early-stage companies. This initiative will allow Contentsquare to give technical and logistical support to the most innovative startups. The program’s mission is to help founders turn their ideas into products, develop their product market fit and go even further in their understanding of user behavior.
  • The Accelerator Program (Atomic Labs: Accelerate) is designed for companies that already have a product. This program will help empower selected startups in accelerating their product development and commercialisation of their solution.. 

Both programs will provide startups with access to a range of services that will provide three key benefits for participating startups:

  • Startups will be able to access the algorithms and insights of the Contentsquare platform to enhance their capacity for innovation and accelerate their product development. 
  • They will receive three types of mentoring: technical support (by selected R&D experts and the Data Science and product teams), business support (by the sales and marketing teams), and an executive sponsor from either Contentsquare or its partner network.
  • Participating startups will be able to leverage Contentsquare’s partner ecosystem and extensive array of clients and partners. Contentsquare currently counts more than 100 technology and solutions partners, and 700 customers, representing 30% of the Fortune 100, and including global brands such as LVMH, HP, Walmart, Samsung and BMW. 

Leading the ecosystem is recent hire Maxime Girardeau, formerly the Digital Transformation lead at Microsoft France. “Our ecosystem will rapidly scale products and solutions to meet the evolving market demand. Partnering with market disruptors who embody the Contentsquare values and ethos is essential in making our vision of delivering an excellent digital experience globally. Atomic Labs will be a cornerstone of our corporate strategy to drive growth and continue to innovate” notes Maxime Girardeau, VP Startup ecosystem, Contentsquare. 

The ecosystem is now live in Paris, France, and accepting enquiries from startups, moving forward the ecosystem will expand to other countries in 2021. Full details of the program and application guidelines can be found on the Atomic Labs hub.