Creating a Community for the Future of Digital Transformation


Kerry Channon

May 11, 2020 | 2 min read

Last Updated: Nov 22, 2023

A Crash Course in Digital Transformation 

For the past couple of years, digital transformation has dominated business conversation. For most companies, it is a major concern and strategic priority. Ironically, in a way, Covid-19 has thrust many businesses into a digital transformation crash course. They are confronting the realities of running completely remote businesses without any planning or strategy. They are having to build digital capabilities with no warning, research or preparation. Businesses are learning how to manage people from afar and keep company culture alive through Zoom calls, virtual town halls and happy hours. 

Many are reworking their operations to account for supply chain challenges. Some businesses are completely pivoting, reinventing the products and services they are offering. In New York, some restaurants are converting their spaces to grocery stores to sell the provisions that would otherwise have spoiled. And of course, we would be remiss in mentioning that many are also shuttering their doors forever. 

But, many are finding ways to adapt and accelerate. We are all pivoting, innovating, testing, trying. After all, innovation is often born out of crisis. 

Digital Transformation in Age of Unpredictability

In our current state, digital transformation has… transformed. People, businesses — we all are dependent on digital like never before. It is a lifeline for everyone right now, both on a personal and a professional level. As a result, digital transformation has taken on an entirely new meaning. 

During the last few months, customer bases have increased as more people are relying on digital and eCommerce. However, consumers’ needs have also evolved, and what they expect from brands today is not necessarily what they expected yesterday. Engaging and connecting with consumers goes beyond just providing a good experience. It requires empathy, giving back, understanding customers — and people, generally — on a new level. Businesses that are open to innovation, connected to their customers and their data, and practicing empathy are weathering the storm and charting new courses. 

I think we can all agree that while things might get back to some sense of normalcy, they will never be the same again. I don’t say it to be dramatic, rather, because the sooner we understand this simple fact, the better job we can do at adapting to what comes next. 

That begs the question: what is next in digital transformation?

Change is constant, but uncertainty doesn’t always have to be if you’ve got a solid, adaptive business strategy. The next chapter of digital transformation will see brands shift from having a digital strategy that worked once upon a time to one that works whatever happens.  

The Digital Changemakers: Dedicated to What’s Next in Digital

At Contentsquare, we’ve been asking ourselves this very question. We’ve been searching for ways to stay connected to our customers and community, while also preparing for the unpredictable. First, we focused on providing valuable, fresh weekly data on how coronavirus is impacting eCommerce on our COVID-19 hub. After all, we believe data is the first step to solving any challnge. But, we have also been asking ourselves, how can we contribute to our industry? How can we make a lasting impact? How can we make sure that we create positive change during a time of such turbulence? 

Two things came to mind: community and innovation. So, we decided to combine the two by creating a community dedicated to fostering innovation with the CX industry: the Digital Changemakers