What Pride Month means to our employees



June 16, 2021 | 3 min read

Last Updated: Jun 8, 2023

To celebrate Pride Month at Contentsquare, we sat down with our LGBTQIA+ employees around the world to find out why this month is so important to them and what they’re most excited about. Here’s what they had to say…


What does Pride Month mean to you?

Defiance in the face of repression

“Pride is both a celebration and a rebellion. Despite the corporatization of Pride in recent years and the kind of mainstream respectability it has gained, Pride began as an act of leftist political protest by a persecuted minority, here in NYC. 

It’s easy to forget those roots, to think of Pride as muscly gays on parade floats, but to me, Pride is still about defiance and grievance in the face of ongoing political repression. 

Around the US, trans children and adults are being targeted by new, discriminatory legislation being introduced by conservative politicians desperate to win points by firing up the worst demons of their base. So Pride 2021 isn’t a victory lap. The battle isn’t over.”

Nick, Global Director, Digital Marketing, New York

A celebration of our differences

“It’s all about visibility. For centuries, LGBTQIA+ people needed to hide to survive and to live their lives.

Showing that we exist and are proud to be LGBTQIA+ is very powerful and it’s the best way to teach everyone that people are different – and different is normal.”

Lucas, Customer Success BI Analyst, Paris

Collaboration for positive change

“Pride Month is a time of the year where we celebrate how far we’ve come in the fight for our rights, but also shed light on the fact that there is still a long way to go in a lot of aspects and places in the world. 

The very political side of it is quite important to me and it actually goes beyond the LGBTQIA+ community, it’s also about other minorities who are struggling.”

Maxime, Solution Expert – Team Lead, Munich


What is your favorite part of Pride Month?

A sense of community

“My favorite part of Pride Month is when we, as a community, march in the street to revendicate our rights. In France, when a lesbian couple fights for the right to have a medically assisted pregnancy, we’re all there. When trans people fight against precarity and for the recognition of their gender identity, we’re all there. When the government tries to silence our voices, we speak louder so everybody has no choice but to listen.

It’s that sense of community that people tend to forget when it comes to pride. It’s not just a party.”

Yoann, UX/UI Intern, Paris

The chance to educate

“Every year Pride makes me feel more comfortable about who I am. I love being able to celebrate the community’s diversity and differences.

My other favorite part of Pride is being able to educate people. Many people associate Pride with the parade and the party, but there is so much history and sacrifice behind it. The purpose of Pride is to teach tolerance and educate others on our history.”

Hannah, Events Marketing Manager, London


Allyship and celebration

“Showing allyship – whether it is listening to individuals and relaying information, or celebrating during our local pride day and learning about things that I might have missed.”

Ornella, Global Traffic Coordinator, Paris


What is the most important aspect of Pride Month to you?

Equality and courage for all

“The fight for equal rights. Until I was 44, when people asked me why I wasn’t married, I said “because I’m not allowed to”. It’s violent. I am now 52, and Pride Month is the month of the wedding to my wife – a strong symbol! 

Every Pride Month in the 90s was essential – it gave people energy and courage to live in a homophobic society for the rest of the year. I don’t know where I would be without the gay pride, the LBGTQIA+ associations, the courage, and the struggle of previous generations.”

Marie-Anne, Lead Customer Success Manager, Paris

Solidarity and representation

“For me, the visibility and representation that comes to the forefront during Pride Month is the most important aspect of the celebration. Everyone deserves to identify as they choose without facing discrimination, but there are still so many places where people cannot be honest about who they are due to the horrible consequences they face.

We have come a long way, but we also have a long way to go, so explicit solidarity is still really important to raise awareness.”

Tara, Customer Success Manager, London

Remembrance and respect

“Remembering the members of our community who have been left behind, who are still suffering. Remembering to give back (such as to the Callen-Lorde community health center here in NYC, which provides vital HIV and health services to vulnerable New Yorkers.) Remembering to fight back – against the elected officials who would oppress us.”

Nick, Global Director, Digital Marketing, New York


Happy Pride Month!

Wherever you are in the world and whatever your sexuality, we hope you’re having a fantastic month learning more about and celebrating Pride. At Contentsquare, we believe in equality for all – and we’re incredibly proud to shout about our inspiring LGBTQIA+ advocates. Their voices have (and continue to) inspire positive change, and we’re passionate about sharing their experiences with you.