Contentsquare recently wrapped up the first-ever hybrid CX Circle NYC. The all-day event was packed with panels and fireside chats featuring industry experts and leading brands discussing strategies and sharing inspiration as we enter this new era of digital experience.

Thanks to all the amazing speakers, moderators, partners and attendees, the first hybrid CX Circle NYC was a smashing success. But don’t just take it from us—we asked attendees to describe CX Circle in one word, and here were some of the most common responses: inspiration, exciting and enlightening.

For those unable to attend in-person or virtually on the day of— don’t fret! The event is now available on-demand so that you can catch up on all the action.


Here are 3 key takeaways from this year’s event:

1. The potential of generative AI for improving CX is endless.

Artificial intelligence (AI) was the buzzword of the day. Many sessions and speakers touched on the endless possibilities of generative AI and its effect on customer experience. Whether it’s customer-facing like chatbots or behind-the-scenes with better data management, AI can help brands offer more personalized and human digital experiences.

2. Personalization is on the verge of great transformation.

Whether you’re in retail, B2B, financial services, or any industry in between, the power of personalization is yet to be fully seen. With advancements in AI come advancements in personalization. And that means creating tailored, personalized, micro-targeted experiences for your customers. This may be in virtual try-ons, daily recommendations, and more.

3. Efficiency and data will be the key to getting and staying ahead.

Data is only as good as its interpreters. Ans this year’s attendees and speakers took that to heart. Experts highlighted the power of data in personalizing marketing efforts, measuring campaign effectiveness, and making informed decisions to optimize customer experiences.

Additionally, having your data and technology ‘speak’ to each other via an integrated tech stack. Speakers shared use cases on how an integrated tech stack had the power to rapidly improve the customer experience by providing actionable insights that lead to faster AB testing and optimization cycles.

CX Circle NYC is now available on-demand.

The full event is now available on-demand so you can catch up on all the CX insights. Watch the full day or just the sessions that piqued your interest the most. Check out the on-demand session lineup here.


CX Circle 2023

The new era of digital experience.

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