Getting your online checkout ready for the Great Singapore Sale 

What better way to spend lockdown in Singapore than shopping online during the Great Singapore Sale? If you’re an online retailer, you'll want to make sure your website UX is fully prepared to handle Singapore's lockdown shoppers.

To help you out, we’ve put together a handy UX checklist to optimise the most important part of your page: the checkout funnel. 

Show all the checkout steps

Common Mistake: Not showing the steps required for completing a purchase

Best Practice: Provide an easily understandable sequence and progression for shoppers to avoid potential errors and mistakes with the checkout process e.g. by greying out upcoming steps.

Allow visitors to edit their cart (without leaving the cart page)

Common Mistake: Sending visitors out of the cart page to edit items can cause visitors to exit the page rather than completing the transaction (e.g. by getting distracted by another browser or window).

Best Practice: Allow shoppers to easily manipulate the details of their cart without having to leave the cart (and reduce the number pages they have to visit).

Have promo code validations in place

Common Mistake: Lack of feedback or validation messages when applying promo codes

Best Practice: Have clear error messages to reduce confusion. The last thing you want during GSS is not having your promo codes work properly, it would be even better if eligible promo codes can be applied automatically. 

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The data says it all: 45% of website content goes unseen, much like James Bond on a mission. Yet digital teams still spend a lot of their time creating content without looking at the data. It’s time to stop gambling, win big against Le Chifre and finally hit that jackpot with your online content. Explore the best practical examples of brands getting their content optimisation right in this 45 minute workshop.

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Contentsquare empowers brands to build better digital experiences. Our experience analytics platform tracks and visualises billions of digital behaviours, delivering intelligent recommendations that everyone can use to grow revenue, increase loyalty and fuel innovation. Founded in Paris in 2012, Contentsquare has since opened offices in London, New York, San Francisco, Munich, Tel Aviv Tokyo, Sydney & Singapore. Today, it helps more than 750 enterprises in 26 countries deliver better digital experiences for their customers. Visit to find out more.