M1 x Contentsquare

How M1 used Contentsquare to drive 143% monthly conversion

The company

M1 is one of Singapore’s leading telecommunications company, servicing over 1.9 millions Singaporeans. They offer an extensive array of products and services, all hosted on their content-rich website with thousands of user journeys and paths to conversion. 

The man behind running its online/offline paid media, analyzing and optimizing the buying journey is Andy Ang, M1’s Performance and Digital Marketing Lead. We sat down with him to find out how the team achieved a 143% uplift in conversion on one of their products and what he really thinks of Contentsquare.

Key metrics

+143% monthly increase in conversion on one of their product pages  

The challenge

One of M1s key challenges is attribution. It's important for them to understand how their digital campaigns are performing and get insights into what and how channels are driving conversions.

Another key area of focus is understanding their customers’ buying journey—knowing where customers are converting, understanding their reasons for dropping off and overall customer concerns. This helps the business to continuously deliver personalised experiences for our customers.

Contentsquare's Zone-Based Heatmap

The solution

Andy has been using the Contentsquare platform for over a year, and it's been a real game-changer in effectively getting insights at a faster pace. 

"The UI is enjoyable—specifically, with tools like Zoning Analysis is so visual it makes it incredibly easy (and quick) to understand key metrics like engagement and conversion across the entire site," says Andy. 

Andy also highlights how they use funnel analysis for understanding user journeys at a macro level; Session Replay helps to validate hypotheses because the team is able to see exactly how users are behaving on our site, and Customer Journey Analysis is great for general visualisation of a user’s journey visualizing user journeys generally. 

At a glance, I know what is performing well and what isn't, and this makes the process of content optimization very efficient. I absolutely love Contentsquare's Workspaces, too. The way the data is laid out makes stakeholder reporting a breeze. "

Andy Ang

Performance and Digital Marketing Lead

The solution

Increasing conversion rate

Using Zoning Analysis, Andy's team noticed a high tap recurrence on one of their product landing pages, specifically on a non-clickable "Sign up" image.

They implemented a click-through on that image that would direct users to the signup form, and saw not only the tap recurrence drop but also a +143% monthly increase in conversions in successful signups. 

The results

The Contentsquare platform really helps to democratize the data and enables team members to work more efficiently.

As a result, M1 has seen a +143% monthly increase in conversions in successful signups.

I've been using the platform for over a year, and it's been a real game-changer in effectively getting insights at a faster pace. "

Andy Ang

Performance and Digital Marketing Lead

4. Optimize Loading Speed: Ensure fast loading times as slow websites lead to increased bounce rates and decreased conversions.

5. Mobile Responsiveness: Design your website to be mobile-friendly, catering to the growing number of users accessing sites on smartphones and tablets.

6. High-Quality Content: Provide valuable and engaging content that addresses visitors' needs and establishes your credibility.

7. Social proof: Display social proof such as customer reviews, security badges, and testimonials to boost confidence in your products or services.

8. Exit-Intent Pop-ups: Use exit-intent pop-ups to offer special deals or incentives just before a visitor leaves, encouraging them to stay and convert.

9. Clear Pricing and Offers: Avoid hidden costs and communicate your pricing and offers clearly to eliminate doubts and encourage conversions.

10. Simplified Forms: Minimize the number of form fields and make the process easy and intuitive for users, reducing barriers to conversion.

M1's conversion rate increase checklist

Conversions, like sales, sign-ups, or inquiries, directly impact a website's bottom line. By optimizing the conversion rate, businesses can maximize the return on their marketing efforts, improve customer engagement, and enhance user experience. A higher conversion rate indicates better user satisfaction and increased trust in the brand.

Moreover, it allows businesses to identify and rectify potential pain points, leading to continuous improvement and growth.

Ultimately, focusing on increasing conversions empowers websites to achieve their objectives and thrive in a competitive digital landscape.

How to increase conversion? Here's Andy checklist:

  1. Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Make your CTAs prominent, concise, and action-oriented, guiding visitors to take the desired action.
  2. Streamlined Design: Simplify your website's layout and navigation to ensure a seamless user experience that directs visitors toward conversion points.
  3. A/B Testing: Regularly conduct A/B tests to compare different versions of your web pages and identify which elements drive higher conversions.

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