Partner Stories

How a Contentsquare Drumline Digital partnership improves customer experience and lifetime value

Drumline Digital is an Australian consultancy that helps brands grow and retain customers through behavioral analytics and experimentation.

What does Drumline Digital do?

Drumline Digital is part of Contentsquare’s Solution Partner Ecosystem

The digital services provider offers UX research, behavioral analytics, experimentation, and conversion rate optimization (CRO) strategy development to some of the world’s most popular companies, such as New Balance, BMW, and P&O Cruises. They’re also Australia and New Zealand’s (ANZ) most specialized and certified Contentsquare solution partner.

Through the Contentsquare Drumline Digital partnership, the CRO agency helps their clients better understand how their customers behave on their most important pages (e.g. the checkout page) and spot potential pain points or conversion opportunities in their client’s customer journeys.

Drumline Digital’s customer insight and experimentation specialists also run tests to determine what works and what doesn't. With these insights, they optimize their client’s digital touchpoints, creating great experiences that delight users and turn them into loyal customers.

Key benefits of the Contentsquare and Drumline partnership

Drumline Digital uses our platform to capture in-depth customer behavioral and performance data across their clients’ digital channels, to better understand what makes people engage with or leave their clients’ sites and mobile apps. 

Our partnership with Optimizely also makes it easy for Drumline Digital to run experiments to identify which changes offered real value to customers, to review how customer journeys were influenced as a result of the changes, and to prioritize improvements that drive their clients’ business forward. 

Using these insights, Drumline Digital collaborates with their in-house team to build and execute a holistic CRO strategy, boosting conversion and retention rates.

Getting teams to actively use and embrace Contentsquare for their day-to-day functions is critical for product longevity. They can gather and use customer behavior data to make inferences on how businesses can work better, meet client needs, and create a delightful experience for them."

Evan Rollins

CEO and Co-founder of Drumline Digital

Here are 3 ways Drumline Digital uses our platform to gather valuable customer behavioral data for its clients:

Use Cases

Here are 4 ways Drumline uses our platform to get the metrics their clients need to improve conversion rates and increase customer lifetime value.

1. Customer journey analysis

Customer journey analysis is the process of outlining and understanding the various stages and touchpoints your customers go through when interacting with your brand. This includes everything from initial awareness to post-purchase.

The goal of this process is to

  • Understand customer behavior at each stage of their journey
  • Identify points of friction—obstacles that keep your customers from converting
  • Identify points of fuel—what makes it easy for them to progress in their journey
  • Make changes to improve your customer experience throughout their journey

Since user preferences and behaviors are constantly evolving, you’ll struggle to keep up with these changes if you’re manually analyzing your customer journey. The insights will be outdated before you need to use them. 

That’s why Drumline relies on our customer journey analysis for a holistic view of the customer journey to make data-driven decisions on where to optimize or rethink the entire digital experience. 

Journey Analysis is the best journey explorer tool in the market—bar none. The tool makes it easy to analyze journeys at-a-glance, segment user groups and explore in great detail how customers are using websites."

Evan Rollins

CEO and Co-founder of Drumline Digital

With Contentsquare’s Customer Journey Analysis tool, you can uncover your customer’s biggest sources of delight and frustrations and identify where unexpected drop-offs occur.

For example, during the COVID period, New Balance’s ANZ market noticed a consistent drop in its conversion rate, losing -19% of their potential monthly revenue as a result. They engaged Drumline Digital to help identify the problem and develop a structured CRO program. The Drumline Digital team validated the problem with actual customer behavior data using Google Analytics and our Journey Analysis and Zoning Analysis tools to better understand how customers behaved on their Product Detail Pages (PDP), cart pages, and checkout page.

Contentsquare’s Journey Analysis tool gave Drumline Digital the full picture of New Balance ANZ customers’ journeys on-site, including which pages they visited while trying to achieve their goal, and in which order.

Contentsquare’s Zone-Based Heatmaps tool helps you discover the revenue and conversion rate of specific page and screen elements, to help optimize customer experiences.

Drumline Digital calls this process “identifying points of friction (what’s making things hard for your customers) and fuel (what’s making it easy for them to go with you).” With the aim being to uncover what will improve your customer experience and hit your goals at the same time.

The agency also used our Zone-Based Heatmaps to reveal how New Balance customers interacted with each element on the ANZ website, helping Drumline Digital to see what made New Balance’s customers click, which elements and content drew their attention the most, and what content made them leave without taking action.

Through the Contentsquare Drumline Digital partnership, New Balance ANZ team saw a 6.8% boost in conversion rates.

By combining data from Google Analytics and our platform, Drumline Digital built a model that analyzed New Balance’s ANZ acquisition funnel, comparing traffic from all marketing sources and the interactions they had before they purchased (or not). 

Through this analysis, the team identified a pain point in the checkout process: users were becoming frustrated when their promo codes didn’t work. This frustration led to cart abandonment, negatively affecting conversion rates.

To address this issue, the team added a pop-up at checkout to explain why a promo code might not work, for example, due to exclusions or errors. 

By providing this information upfront, more users successfully completed their purchases, leading to a +6.8% increase in the conversion rate. This stands to highlight the positive impact this small change had on the overall user experience.

2. User Experience Analysis

User Experience Analysis (or UX Analysis) involves evaluating how users interact with a product or service to understand their needs, behaviors, and pain points. The goal is to improve the overall user experience, making it more intuitive, user-friendly, and satisfying to customers.

Drumline Digital uses a combination of our digital experience tools to analyze and improve the user experience.

First, Drumline Digital works with the client to define what they want to achieve (increasing conversion rates, improving user engagement, boosting retention rates, etc.) The agency then implements Contentsquare tracking across all pages of the client’s site or app to start collecting data on user interactions.

Once setup is complete, Drumline Digital is able to

  • Identify areas where users engage most or drop off, using heatmaps
  • Look for patterns, pain points, and areas of confusion (rage clicks are a sign users are experiencing confusion or frustration) using session replays
  • Identify high-performing elements as well as areas that need improvement by analyzing specific sections and zones on pages to see how they perform

Based on the insights gathered, Drumline Digital then comes up with a list of hypothesis that outline the most likely changes needed to make a positive impact on the customer experience.

3. Roadmapping and experimentation

Roadmapping involves planning and prioritizing the changes and improvements identified during the UX analysis. Drumline Digital uses our data and insights to identify areas of improvement on their clients’ website. These insights help form hypotheses about what changes will improve user engagement and conversion rates.

Once a hypothesis is formed, Drumline Digital uses Optimizely to create and run experiments to see if the proposed changes have a positive impact on user experience and business metrics. Optimizely helps the team to create and run controlled experiments to compare different versions of their client’s site, while we provide detailed insights into user behavior during these tests. Drumline Digital’s experimentation experts then analyze the results of tests using data from both tools to generate actionable insights, explaining why certain changes worked, or didn’t, and recommending next steps.

The team defines action steps and prioritizes tests according to four (4) metrics

  • Effort: Prioritizing changes based on their potential impact on user experience and business outcomes versus the effort required to implement them
  • Time: Identifying quick wins to implement immediately in order to see fast growth and planning for more complex changes that require significant time and resources
  • Cost: Assigning responsibilities to team members based on their skills and expertise, and allocating budget for necessary tools, resources, and potential third-party assistance
  • Results:Setting clear milestones to track progress and ensure a timely delivery, and establishing regular check-ins to review progress and make adjustments, as needed


4. Impact quantification

Impact quantification ensures any changes implemented based on insights from UX analysis and testing have the desired effect.

While working with New Balance ANZ to improve conversion rates, the Drumline Digital team used impact quantification extensively. Our Impact Quantification tool helped them to identify numerous friction points that prevented customers from adding products to their cart, starting the checkout process, and finalizing their purchase. These findings helped the agency create a roadmap of experiments and hypotheses for New Balance ANZ.

By using our platform, Drumline Digital helped New Balance ANZ to consistently analyze user interactions with each new experience. This data-driven approach has empowered New Balance ANZ and their global team to prioritize customer insights over opinions and intuition when making business decisions.

I've seen 'interesting' insights turn out to apply to just 18 users. Impact quantification fixes this by breaking down insights by size, value, and impact across devices, trends, and user segments. This saves analysts hours and gives brands the data they need to prioritize effectively. "

Evan Rollins

CEO and Co-founder of Drumline Digital

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Drumline Digital is an Australian agency that provides end-to-end CRO services, including UX research, behavioral analytics, experimentation, and strategy development. The agency works with popular companies such as New Balance, BMW, and P&O Cruises to help them understand customer behavior, optimize digital touchpoints, and create great user experiences that increase lifetime value.

  • Drumline Digital uses Contentsquare's platform to gain deep insights into customer behavior on their clients' websites and mobile apps.
    They use the platform to

    1. 1. Analyze Customer Journeys: Identify pain points and opportunities in the customer journey to optimize user experience
    2. 2. Run Experiments: Use Contentsquare's partnership with Optimizely to test changes and measure the impact on user behavior
    3. 3. Improve User Experience: Analyze specific elements and zones on web pages using heatmaps and session replays to identify areas of improvement
    4. 4. Quantify Impact: Continuously monitor and measure the effects of changes to ensure they lead to better business outcomes and enhanced customer experiences

  • If you want to gather and use customer behavior data to improve business operations, meet customer needs, enhance customer experience, and train your team to adopt a customer-first, data-driven approach, consider applying to become a partner.
    As a Contentsquare partner, your clients get full access to in-depth insights into their own customer behavior, so they can easily identify pain points, understand user journeys, and optimize their digital experiences.

  • If you’re interested in becoming a Contentsquare Solution Partner, you can apply here.
    However, if you'd like to see the product in action before committing, take a product tour.

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