Partner Stories

Meet our partner Bitbang

BitBang is a data consulting company specialising in customer-centricity and digital transformation.

Headshot of Giovanni Lorenzoni, BitBang co-founder and CEO.

Discover Creative CX’s insights on the significance of digital analytics experimentation

Meet Giovanni Lorenzoni, co-founder and current CEO of BitBang, a data consulting company specializing in digital transformation and customer-centricity.

Giovanni loves involving himself in every area of the business, including its customers, vendors, teams—and partners.

He’s therefore the perfect person to talk to about BitBang’s relationship with its customers, its strategy for success, trends in customer experience analytics and the benefits of partnering with Contentsquare.

What all of our clients have in common is that they cherish their customers and see data as the key to improving customer satisfaction. Our ideal customer profile is that of a company that is strongly oriented towards customer obsession.

Our conversation with Giovanni

Can you start by telling us what types of customers BitBang serves?

Giovanni Lorenzoni: Our customers are EMEA-based companies that often have a global presence. We work with both niche companies and big, established financial and product brands.

What do you think makes for a good customer relationship?

GL: Sharing long-term goals. Often, we get caught up in the day-to-day and in practicalities that need to be solved, but we can only really be successful if we keep an eye on our long-term objectives. This goes for the work life of each one of us and for consultant-client relationships. If the client shares their vision with us, we can make sure we stay focused and bring real value.

What trends do you see in the customer experience analytics space?

GL: Customer experience is becoming more and more central to decision-making and is connected to the overall business strategy. For this reason, reducing the time needed to reach insights is key to improving actionability.

In addition, sharing capabilities enable the speeding up and broadening of the availability of KPIs and information across teams and stakeholders. Finally, third-party tools integration allows the client to enrich their data and obtain an even broader perspective on customer experience.

Customer experience analytics has become an integral part of any journey toward maturity in customer understanding.

We integrate this initial step within a broader customer centric data strategy, which also includes data activation and journey orchestration.

We also offer ad hoc developments, such as AI models or advanced analyses that are meant to meet the specific needs of each client. In this sense, we truly are a data boutique that is interested in designing your ideal, custom suite and making it unique with each stitch.

What are the critical steps in your sales process and what do you focus on when building ongoing relationships with your customers?

GL: It might seem trivial, but having a common vision about what to do and how to do it is the focal point for such long-lasting relationships.

How do you differentiate yourself from the competition?

GL: Our aim is to support our clients both in terms of their vision and in the specific solution that we have to offer.

For example, we thoroughly cover customer analytics, in order to support Contentsquare users beyond setting up the tool and ensuring it is aligned with the client’s needs.

What made this possible? Great communication, information sharing and cross-team collaboration, a well-defined and common roadmap, and a clear outline of the project’s objectives.

Tell us about a successful customer engagement you worked on together with Contentsquare?

GL: We recently worked with a client that required us to start a PoC with a narrow scope. Despite this starting point, we managed to successfully scale up to an articulate project that included continuous testing and improvement of the client’s website, on a global scale.