Adobe Analytics

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How the Contentsquare Adobe integration completes the picture of your digital experience

Discover how the Contentsquare Adobe Analytics integration helps you optimize your customer journey to drive more engagement and conversions.

​​What is Adobe Analytics?

Adobe Analytics is a tool within Adobe's suite of marketing and analytics solutions that helps its users gain insights and enhance their digital marketing strategies.

Powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), Adobe Analytics uses Adobe Sensei to analyze customer segments to find differences, attribute conversion factors, and predict future behavior.

This robust tool highlights where customers interact on web, mobile, and app, the channels they prefer, and the experiences they engage with most. Users can see how interactions with specific touchpoints across all channels impact conversion, based on rules-based and advanced attribution models. 

It also offers predictive analysis, drawing on advanced statistical models to sift through large volumes of data and find patterns to help predict future behavior, such as the likelihood of a customer converting.

How does the Contentsquare Adobe Analytics integration work?

Adobe is part of our partner ecosystem, designed to enhance our platform, empower and promote our partners, and deliver benefits to our customers.

Our Technology Partners, of which Adobe is one, provide products and technologies that integrate with and extend our platform. This means you can access our crucial behavioral data and experience insights across a host of other third-party tools and applications. 

By combining Adobe Analytics’ in-depth segmentation with Contentsquare’s in-page metrics, you can get the full picture of each user journey, across existing and future segments.

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With the Adobe Analytics integration, you can 

  • Analyze customer journeys by segment, and track how visitors progress from entry to exit
  • Visualize how visitors interact with page elements using unique engagement, conversion, and revenue metrics
  • Import Adobe Target test variations and get visual insights as to why a certain test won and how to improve on future tests.

Once you add a snippet of code to import your Adobe segments into Contentsquare, you’re all set. You can then:

Visualize customer journey activity for Adobe segments

Adobe segments let you identify subsets of users based on their attributes, site interactions, or custom variables. Segments can identify a range of user characteristics, including who your users are, what devices they use, and where they navigated from. 

With our integration, you can import Adobe segments into our platform to visualize your segments’ activity in a number of ways, including

Zone-Based Heatmaps, which can show how each user segment interacts with each element on your website or mobile. This feature can help you improve your segments over time, improve customer acquisition return on investment (ROI), focus testing, and develop superior digital journeys that consistently lead to conversion.

Customer Journey Analysis, which lets you analyze navigation patterns for imported segments based on specific behaviors (bounced, engaged with hero banner, etc.) As an Adobe Analytics user, you already know how many of your customers start their journey on your site and exit before converting—imagine what you could do if you knew what exactly made them drop off, and why?

Adobe Target test variation insights

Adobe Target helps its users conduct A/B tests and multivariate tests. It provides detailed quantitative data on how each variation performs in a number of ways, including conversion rates or click-through rates. 

By integrating Adobe Target tests into our platform, you can dive deeper into your tests to better understand why some variations perform better or worse.

Review individual user sessions

Use our Session Replay feature to reconstruct an individual visitor session directly in Adobe Analytics. 

You can unlock customer pain points, validate hypotheses, and share replays with key stakeholders—all of which can help you optimize your customer experience and boost engagement.

3 core benefits of the Contentsquare Adobe Analytics integration

Now you know what the integration can do, it’s time to discover its benefits.

Get smart alerts and recommendations from Contentsquare AI.

Use Cases

Uncover new opportunities

Our AI capability is your always-on, expert analyst to help you gain insights for making data-driven decisions, without the need to learn in-depth analytics.

Our integration with Adobe Analytics means you can get smart alerts and recommendations to uncover previously unseen test opportunities, or point to where you could focus your efforts. Our AI can also auto-surface any friction points in your customer journey so you can act fast.

Paired with our AI CoPilot, talk through the data without any of the jargon so you can refine your analysis on the go.

Our Customer Journey Analysis dashboard provides clear, color-coded visualizations that everyone can understand.

Enhance your segments

Knowing what your customers are doing is invaluable, but the best way to improve conversions and optimize the digital experience is to understand why they engage with your content and how to avoid any friction points.

Use our Customer Journey Analysis capability to get a deeper understanding of your segments—how they behave, what they engage with, what parts of their journey make them convert or drop off. With this key information, you can not only optimize their journey but also refine your segments and target them more effectively. 

Side-by-side zoning gives you immediate results at a glance.

Deep-dive analysis

With our Zone-Based Heatmaps, you can quickly analyze the results from your Adobe Target A/B tests. By comparing the test variations, you can, at a glance, understand why and how visitors acted differently from the control. 

Zoning also works across devices, set metrics, and segments, so you can learn the impact of different behaviors and optimize based on your key business goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Adobe is a software company that offers digital marketing and media solutions. Its tools and services allow users to create groundbreaking digital content, deploy it across media and devices, measure and optimize it over time, and achieve greater business success. Adobe Analytics uses machine learning and AI to create and analyze user segments, gather in-depth analysis, gain real-time customer insights, apply rules-based and advanced attribution models across channels, and predict future behaviors.

  • You can import Adobe Analytics segments into our platform to visualize customer journeys and analyze segment behavior in detail. Our Session Replays feature lets you reconstruct an individual visitor session directly in Adobe Analytics. Our Zone-Based Heatmaps let you see how segments interact with in-page elements. Our Customer Journey Analysis capability lets you analyze navigation patterns for imported segments based on specific behaviors (bounced, engaged with hero banner, etc.) Users can also import Adobe Target test variations to gain visual insights as to why a certain test won and how to optimize future tests.

  • If you’re interested in becoming a Contentsquare Referral Partner, you can apply here.

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