Last updated: June 1, 2023

Contentsquare’s Sample Cookie Description
For Customers

Contentsquare has provided below a sample description of our services, and the technology involved therein. Please be advised that this description is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice. Our Customers should consult with their own legal/privacy counsel on the information and elements necessary to be included in their own cookie banners, descriptions, and policies. All of Contentsquare’s obligations and liabilities to our Customers are outlined in our agreements, and this page does not form part of, or modify, any agreement between Contentsquare and our Customers.

We use Contentsquare on our website(s) and app(s) to create a better digital experience for our visitors’ and to optimize this service and our interactions with them. Contentsquare is a Digital Experience Analytics and Insights tool that helps us better understand these visitors’ online experiences (e.g. how much time the visitor spends on which pages, which links they choose to click, the visitors’ click rates (to measure things like hesitation or frustration), etc.). To provide these analytics and insights, Contentsquare uses first-party cookies and other technologies to process data of our visitors’ behavior and their devices on our behalf. This may include data like the device’s IP address, Online ID (like a Cookie ID number), device type and screen size, browser information, geographic location (only down to the city-level), e-commerce data, the preferred language used to display our website, and the behavior of users with accessibility needs. To improve its tool and services to us, Contentsquare may reuse this data for their internal development purposes.

For more information about Contentsquare and its privacy practices, please visit Contentsquare’s Privacy Center that contains its privacy policies, and read its “10 Things To Know” privacy one-pager.