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Last Updated: August 2022 (V2022.2)

Support Package and Service Level Commitment

This Support Package provides a global service with high response commitment levels including 24/7 support line for critical (P0) issues. Under our support package, customers receive a Service Level Commitment that provides:

  • A dedicated Help Center, accessible from the Contentsquare Solution

  • A designated Customer Success Manager to assist with escalations

  • 24/7 support for critical (P0) issues

  • Commitments for aggressive response times for business critical issues

1. Ways to contact us

a. Help Center: https://support.contentsquare.com

b. Support call number*:

US: 1 800 301-9028

UK: 0 800 098-8110

France: +33 1 89 53 66 53

Germany: +49 69 2443769700

Spain: +34 932 20 20 18

*for critical (P0) support Issues out of business hours please call these numbers.

c. eService Portal

2. Hours of operation

a. For critical (P0) & non-critical issues – during Business Hours / Days (based on time zone of the customer)**:

AMERICAS: Monday – Friday, 9:00-22:00 EST

REST OF THE WORLD: Monday – Friday, 9:00-18 :00 GMT

**Not including local Contentsquare holidays

b. For critical (P0) issues only – the support call numbers above are available outside of Business Hours (24/7).

3. Service Level Commitment (SLC)

An “Issue” is a technical problem in the accessibility or performance of a function or component of the CS Solution which is under Contentsquare’s control. Issues do not include problems caused by: (i) network modification(s); (ii) Customer’s internet connection issues or internet outages; or (iii) other modifications to the Customer Site(s) made by Customer. Issues fall into several priority categories, each of which is defined below.

The priority of an Issue shall be determined by Contentsquare Support engineer after considering Customer’s position, subject to the following guidelines:

Priority level SLA Table


Response Time

P0 - Critical

The CS Solution has completely ceased to function for all users, or some major functionalities are completely not functional such as Session Replays, Mapping Zoning and Workspace. All users cannot login to the CS Solution. Issue impacting recording of all Session Replays. The CS Solution appears to have a material adverse impact on Customer’s website (i.e. performance or UI).

2 business hours; Or

2 hours – in case support is contacted outside of business hours using the phone numbers above

P1 - High

Impact on Customer across users and/or features. For example: missing pages, latency of recordings, issue impacting the recording of some Session Replays, large issue with a specific Mapping and/or Zoning, discrepancy of data, user-specific login issues or delays).

6 business hours

P2 - Medium

The CS Solutions are working, but certain functionalities of the CS Solution are degraded. For example: session replay presentation issues, minor specific zoning and/or mapping issues.

8 business hours

P3 - Low

These are issues that do not fall under any of the above severity levels and that do not have any significant impact on the ability to use the CS Solution features and functionalities. For example: entitlement requests, known issues with existing work arounds or with no impact on customers, feature requests.

Reasonable period

4. Definitions

  • Availability/Available: means access to the CS Solution through Contentsquare’s provided user interface. Contentsquare provides Availability of 99.5% (excluding Downtime Events).

  • First Response: occurs when an Issue has been reported and the Contentsquare technician assigned to the case commences efforts to diagnose the Issue.

  • Response Time: the time between the receipt of Customer's report on an Issue, until First Response.

  • Remediation of Issue:

    Remediation of an Issue is accomplished by any of the following: (i) providing a reasonable solution to the Issue, (ii) providing a reasonable relief or a workaround to the Issue (iii) Contentsquare determining that the Issue is an enhancement and not a technical support Issue. Contentsquare makes reasonable efforts to remediate the Issues, but Contentsquare cannot guarantee that every issue can be remediated.

  • Service Credit: one (1)-day extension of the Term.

  • Planned Outage: any planned maintenance to the Services that may have a significant affect to the CS Solution will be communicated to the Customer in advance.

  • Downtime Event: (i) any outages of any public Internet backbones, networks, servers or other utilities, (ii) any failure of Customer’s equipment, systems or local access services, (iii) a Planned Outages, or (iv) any event beyond Contentsquare’s control such as strikes, riots, insurrection, fires, floods, explosions, war, governmental action, labor conditions, earthquakes, natural disasters, or interruptions in Internet services to an area where Contentsquare’s or Customer’s servers are located or co-located.

  • Supported Browser:

    most recent version of Google Chrome.

5. Web Browser Requierements

This SLC and any Support Package applies only to CS Solution Users using the Supported Browser.

6. Remedies

In the event Availability for a particular month is below 99.5%, then for each 1% of availability below 99.5% (that is not as a result of a Downtime Event), Customer shall be entitled, as its sole and exclusive remedy, to one (1) Service Credit.

To receive Service Credits, Customer must submit a credit request within 30 days of the event that gave rise to the Service Credit. Service Credits will not exceed in total 90 days for every calendar year.

7. Escalation procedure

In the event that there is a change to the business impact of a support Issue, or if a ticket is not being handled according to your expectations, you may escalate the ticket.

Please first speak with your assigned support engineer for the ticket to ensure that the business impact and urgency is understood.

You may further escalate by contacting:

  • 1st level of escalation: Customer Support Manager.

  • 2nd level of escalation: Customer Account Manager and/or Customer Success Manager.

  • 3rd level of escalation: VP of Customer Support.