6 best practices for building successful microinteractions in web design


Claudia Chang

July 20, 2021 | 2 min read

Last Updated: Sep 23, 2021

A quick recap

We recently discussed the importance of microinteractions and their essential functionalities. In this article, we’ll show you how to create microinteractions which will delight your users.

Microinteractions are tiny interactions that allow the user to accomplish a single task within your product. Although small, microinteractions can have a huge impact on your user experience, evolving your product into something that’s engaging and outstanding.

Here are six best practices for creating successful microinteractions:


1. Be purposeful

Anything UX-related must have a solid understanding of the user. So before you create your microinteractions, ask yourself:

  • What does your user need?
  • Will this microinteraction fulfill that need?
  • And will this bring value to the user experience of your product?

Password requirements are listed in blue bullet points below a password field, with fulfilled requirements disabled in gray

Mailchimp checks off each password requirement that the user meets. This avoids the need for the user to repeat work, or resubmit another password after they are told it does not meet the requirements.


2. Deliver feedback ASAP for your microinteractions in web-design

To avoid user confusion and frustration, deliver feedback immediately after the microinteraction has been triggered. Avoid using microinteractions that affect the functionality of your product as this does – and always should! – take priority.

Dropdown of autosuggestions populate as the user is typing "cool" into the homepage search bar

Google does an amazing job at bringing high-speed feedback to its users. In this example, the user immediately sees autosuggestions populate as they type into the search field.


Animated, Figma logo and a horizontal, rainbow progress bar below it

Figma shows a loading screen immediately after the user clicks on a project. The progress bar and the page itself load in only a few seconds.


3. Keep it simple

Overcomplicated microinteractions will overwhelm the user, so keep your microinteractions as simple as you can. Remove any unnecessary details and elements. Simple microinteractions can lead to happier users, which can lead to increased user engagement.

A blue thumbs up button, along with a thumbs down button to the right of it, right below "cute baby white seal" video

YouTube’s thumbs up/thumbs down system for liking videos is simple and memorable. Users only need to choose between two elements: like or dislike.


4. Keep it consistent

Build the user’s mental model of this microinteraction so they know what to expect every time. This consistency can help build user habits.

Horizontal bar of mail in mid-swipe to the left. Trashcan icon appears on the right above a red horizontal bar

Swiping any mail to the left on Gmail will always move it to Trash. The user can perform this microinteraction instinctively every time.


5. Be human because microinteractions in web-design are human interactions

Incorporate elements that speak to user emotions, which can have a big impact on the user experience. 

A row of different reactions floating on top of a video of a laying puppy

Facebook uses fun react features which allow the user to react with emotions beyond a simple thumbs up. The microinteraction is also very quick, allowing the user to react in no time.


A cute, white cat sticker is placed on top of a blue, iMessage chat bubble

iMessage lets you use stickers to reply to messages, but also as literal stickers which you can drag and drop onto specific messages.This adds an extra layer of personalization and humanization to the user experience.


6. Stay on-brand

Microinteractions are powerful tools that can help communicate your brand personality. Use simple and memorable elements that  enhance your brand and make it stand out from others.

Swirling planet icon animation on an "Add to Cart" CTA with a popover of the shopping cart on the right

When the user clicks on the button to add the product to their cart on Glossier, the button indicates its loading state with a spinning planet, an element that aligns with their fun sticker branding.



Microinteractions are designed to help your users with a single task and, if done correctly, can add amazing value to your product’s experience. 

Be purposeful by creating a microinteraction that fulfills the needs of users, and provide feedback immediately after the microinteraction has been triggered. Keep the microinteraction simple and consistent, tend to users’ emotions, and ensure that the microinteraction speaks your brand’s language.