Partner Stories

How the Contentsquare Bazaarvoice partnership enhances customer experience and loyalty

Uncover the impact of user-generated content (UGC) on engagement, conversions, and revenue with the Contentsquare Bazaarvoice partnership.

Additionally, they provide a syndication network that distributes content across social media, retail websites, and search engines, allowing brands to extend their reach and influence shopper decisions across multiple touchpoints. 

By combining UGC, syndication, and insights from real customer feedback, Bazaarvoice helps brands drive revenue, build customer loyalty, and improve overall shopping experiences.

What does Bazaarvoice do?

Bazaarvoice is a full-funnel UGC platform that helps brands and retailers enhance their customers’ shopping experience. 

Founded in 2005, Bazaarvoice operates globally with offices in North America, Europe, and Australia. The UGC platform is trusted by more than 13,000 companies, including Macy’s, Sephora, Unilever, Target, and Pepsi.

Bazaarvoice allows brands to gather and display authentic customer reviews, ratings, and social photos across thousands of websites. They also offer brands and retailers the ability to gain rich digital experience insights from their customer content through their integration with us.

Key benefits of the Contentsquare Bazaarvoice partnership

Bazaarvoice is a part of our Technology Solution Partner Ecosystem

Our tech partner ecosystem consists of leading providers that enhance Contentsquare’s capabilities. These tools integrate seamlessly with our platform, so businesses don’t have to switch between different systems or worry about data getting lost

Our partnership with Bazaarvoice allows brands to analyze and understand how UGC (such as reviews and ratings) influences customer behavior, engagement, and sales. 

Based on these insights, brands can ensure UGC is placed where and when it is most impactful to build trust and drive conversions.

Customers expect a brand to know them and are much more vocal about holding brands accountable for transparency, authenticity, and trust. In our industry, we see a growing desire to hear from fellow consumers rather than solely rely on brand messages. This gives brands an incredibly powerful opportunity to integrate customers into their brand identity and transform them into enthusiastic advocates.

Emma Madison-Dahdah

SVP of Global Client Success at Bazaarvoice

4 key benefits

Use cases of the Contentsquare Bazaarvoice integration

Below are 4 main use cases of the Contentsquare Bazaarvoice integration:

Contentsquare Journey Analysis capability identifies the key behaviors and pages users interacted with before completing an action, specifically where conversions and unexpected drop-offs occur and what led to them. 

1. Journey analysis to identify touchpoints with the most impact on the online shopping experience

Journey Analysis involves identifying pages that drive the most conversions so teams can then optimize to guide users along the most effective paths to purchase.

With our Bazaarvoice integration, businesses can map out how users move across a website or app. This includes what pages they visit, where they click, and how they transition from one section to another. 

This capability uncovers insights into how UGC influences conversion rates, revealing:

  • Which types of UGC most effectively guide users toward buying
  • Key touchpoints involving UGC that users engage with before converting

With this data, brands can see whether shoppers who convert engage more or less frequently with UGC and how that engagement impacts their buying decisions. 

The capability also lets brands trace the user journey backward from conversion to determine whether customers engaged with reviews, customer stories, ratings, etc, before they converted. 

For example, an ecommerce company might want to understand the specific behaviors that led to a conversion—in their case, a completed purchase. 

Using the Reverse Journey Analysis capability in our journey analysis tool, teams can examine user behavior starting from this conversion point and work backwards to uncover the interactions and touchpoints with UGC that led to the purchase.

We’re having lots of conversations with customers that would not normally typically be an ideal client profile for Bazaarvoice, but when we talk about how Contentsquare and Bazaarvoice partner, what it means for their website experience and how they can ensure that the user-generated content from Bazaarvoice is working its hardest for them, through a lot of insights and data analysis from Contentsquare, a whole new world opens up to them, which is really exciting for us too.

Alastair Forbes

Senior Director, EMEA Head of Ecosystem & Alliances at Bazaarvoice.

Our Heatmaps shows where users are clicking, scrolling, or hovering on a page.

2. Optimizing user experience for enhanced product page engagement

Cosmetic company The Body Shop wanted to enhance their online customer experience, increase conversion rates, and boost average order value. 

To achieve these goals, The Body Shop’s product team used our integration with Bazaarvoice to better understand how customers engaged with UGC elements on their site, particularly on their product detail pages.

Using Heatmaps, the team was able to see precisely how users interacted with different content elements such as reviews, photos, or ratings. 

The heatmap revealed which areas of the page captured the most user attention and engagement, showing exactly which UGC elements—like customer-uploaded photos or reviews—were clicked on most frequently.

Contentsquare Session Replays give you a clearer picture of how people navigate your site, what resonates with them, and where they face difficulties.

This granular insight helped the team understand which types of content resonated best with users and which areas of the page were driving the most interaction.

The team also used Session Replays to understand how users interact with UGC over time—whether they scroll through images shared by other customers or not.

Using these tools, the team discovered customers were highly engaged with the galleries, which included pictures from customers on their product pages. Their working hypothesis, based on this data, was that people trusted and interacted with photos from real users when considering their purchase. 

Because customers were highly engaged with this content, the company moved the galleries higher up on the page, placing them directly below the product description.

The Body Shop moved their Gallery position directly below the product because customers wanted to see more of that type of content.

By making the galleries more accessible, users could easily interact with it early in their shopping experience. As a result, the team directly influenced purchase decisions, seeing a +13% increase in average order value and a 28% conversion rate. 

With the Contentsquare Bazaarvoice integration, you can gain the same level of insights into how your customers interact with UGC. The integration helps you identify the most effective content, optimize its placement, and ultimately increase conversions.

The user segmentation feature gives detailed insights into how these different groups behave, helping you refine your customer engagement strategy.

3. Customer segmentation and personalization

Customer segmentation splits your broad audience into smaller, more specific groups based on common traits, such as buying behavior or engagement habits. 

This approach helps you understand different cohorts of customers to better tailor your strategies to their needs. And, you can customize the experience of individual users, making each interaction more relevant, meaningful, and engaging. 

Product Analytics helps with segmentation. With it, you can segment users based on specific behaviors, such as:

  • New signups: users who recently created an account or registered
  • Loyal customers: those who make repeat purchases or frequently engage with your content
  • Casual users: visitors who interact occasionally but haven't yet committed, like making a purchase
  • Engaged users: people who spend more time exploring but may need extra incentives to convert

You can monitor their journeys through your site, identify content they interact with, and understand the factors that drive key actions, like purchases or cart abandonment. This data helps you determine what works for different segments and where improvements are needed.

Once you've segmented your users, Bazaarvoice enables you to create personalized experiences targeting each group:

  • For new visitors, displaying positive product reviews prominently on product pages helps build trust, as they tend to rely heavily on peer feedback.
  • For loyal customers, showcasing customer photos and reviews of products similar to their past purchases or other complementary products can increase upsell opportunities
  • For high-intent buyers, providing detailed comparison articles or in-depth reviews can help finalize their purchase decision.
  • For hesitant buyers, highlighting UGC such as verified reviews, ratings, or customer stories that address common concerns, can ease their decision-making process.

By understanding each segment’s behavior, Bazaarvoice helps you personalize experiences by delivering the most relevant UGC—whether reviews, photos, or detailed product stories—tailored to each group, making interactions more targeted and impactful.

Optimize the timing and placement of UGC to boost conversions

Integrate our digital experience analytics platform with Bazaarvoice to better understand the impact that UGC, ratings, and reviews are having on your engagement metrics, conversion rates, and online revenue.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Bazaarvoice is a leading UGC platform that helps brands and retailers collect and display authentic customer reviews, ratings, and social photos to enhance the shopping experience.

    Founded in 2005, the platform serves over 13,000 companies globally, including major brands like Macy’s, Sephora, and Target. Its tools allow businesses to use customer content to build trust and improve engagement.

  • The Contentsquare Bazaarvoice integration combines behavioral analytics with UGC to help brands optimize their customer experience and increase engagement. Through the integration, users can:

    • Optimize the timing and placement of UGC: analyze and understand how reviews, ratings, and other user-generated content influences customer behavior, engagement, and sales
    • Quantify the impact of review count: get insights into the optimal number of reviews required to have a measurable impact on conversion rates and revenue
    • Increase the number of reviews: uncover the best times and locations to prompt customers for reviews and increase response rates
    • Improve personalization with user segmentation: analyze user behavior and create personalized experiences that drive engagement and loyalty
    • Maximize the value of UGC across the entire funnel: get in-depth insights into how UGC impacts digital experience at every stage of the customer journey to fine-tune your content strategy

  • If you’re interested in becoming a Contentsquare Partner, apply here.

    As a Contentsquare Partner, your clients get full access to in-depth insights into how their own customers behave on their site, so they can easily identify their frustrations, optimize site performance, and increase sales. If you want to see the product in action, take a product tour or request a demo.

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