Quickly understand the impact of good and bad digital experiences
Want to see how a good experience pays off? Quantify how many customers experience a specific event—then learn how it impacts conversions, revenue, and more. Effectively prioritize your workload by identifying high-impact improvements.

Find insights your way
Get insights ‘bottom up’ by starting with a single event and quantifying how many others experienced it. Or go ‘top down’ by starting with your biggest issues or opportunities and drilling down to individual customer experiences.
Instantly measure impact
Wondering how parts of your digital experience affect business outcomes? See how pages and page elements impact conversion, revenue, subscriptions, and more.

Go deep into demographic details
Compare impact across different groups to find out which users are most affected by an issue, event, or behavior. Measure impact across specific browsers, devices, and more to identify the root cause.
Link behaviors to metrics
Now you can shine a light on how any user behavior impacts your business. For example, see how many users clicked a link or took a specific path to your checkout. Compare them with users who did a different action to see which group converted better.
Get your teams aligned on the highest priority tasks
See how any potential change affects your revenue
Quantify the impact of insights you find in other Contentsquare tools with 1-click. Immediately identify how any behavior, event, or issue impacts revenue, so you can gauge the return on investment of potential changes.
Make better decisions about upcoming tasks by assessing impact
Avoid investing too many resources in low-impact problems and opportunities. Impact Quantification lets you understand how important any discovery is, so you can help your teams prioritize effectively.
Compare performance to set realistic business benchmarks
Use Impact Quantification to compare how different segments contribute to business goals. See the best results from different traffic sources, devices, time periods, and more to set internal benchmarks.