Exit Intent Surveys

Learn why users leave your site

Ask users what got in their way. Get the feedback you need to improve conversions on your checkout, pricing page, landing pages and more.

Customer insights on key pages

Fix conversion blockers fast

It’s often hard to tell why users bounce. UX issues, errors, slow speeds, pricing, confusing messaging—the list goes on. Exit intent surveys give users a voice, so you can learn how to convert more of them.

  • Identify problem areas on key pages
  • Learn what information customers value—in their own words—then communicate it clearly
  • Prioritize the most common and impactful updates

Most common use cases

Hear from users before they bounce for good.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Exit intent surveys are ways to get vital feedback for ecommerce companies to understand what makes people leave a website. If people keep giving you the same feedback when they leave, it signals a particular change you need to make

  • Exit intent surveys appear when the user moves their cursor towards the ‘x’ to close the window. You can set them to appear either as:

    - A modal that appears in the middle of the screen
    - A pop-up that appears in the bottom corner of the screen
    - You might find that one of these two types proves more effective in collecting survey responses on your site. For instance, you may find that exit intent popups lead to higher response rates than modals, or vice versa.

    You can find out which survey type works best on your site by checking the survey performance analytics in your dashboard

  • Yes. The exit intent survey template comes pre-populated with our expert-built questions, but you’re free to edit them to fit your needs.

  • Here are some exit survey question examples:

    - What’s preventing you from signing up?
    - What’s stopping you from proceeding to the checkout page?
    - What was the one thing that prevented you from buying these items?
    - How do you think this page could be improved?
    - Did you find anything unclear about our pricing?
    - What’s your reason for leaving?
    - What could we do to improve?

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