ContentSquare Team Members Share Their Favorite Digital Experiences

With mobile traffic steadily overtaking desktop traffic, digital teams everywhere are coming up with ways to improve the User Experience (UX) on mobile, and reverse the switch-to-desktop trend still associated with many online conversions.

The behavior of mobile users indicates that many smartphone shoppers embark on a journey determined to complete a purchase, but are deterred along the way. In fact, data recently analyzed by ContentSquare showed that mobile users were almost 18% more likely to reach the checkout page than desktop shoppers, proving they do want to buy.

Friction in the mobile purchasing journey often rears its ugly head around checkout. Today, the likelihood of a mobile user exiting a site after having reached the checkout page is 83.6% higher than the odds on desktop.

Some retailers have capitalized on the mobile shopping demand, and devised seamless paths for their users. I asked my colleagues in the New York Office to share their favorite mobile experiences, and tell us which UX features they couldn’t do without.

Our Senior Enterprise Sales Manager Kristin is a big fan of the Warby Parker site. She recently took their homepage quiz to pick out a new pair of frames. Not only has the brand made buying prescription glasses hassle-free by letting you try frames at home at no cost, it has also developed a fast and engaging way to narrow down your selection.

After answering seven easy questions about fit and style, customers are offered a personalized assortment. Don’t know how to answer one of the questions? Simply skip it! The quiz cleverly integrates the benefits of in-store advice with the autonomy afforded by shopping online.

Katie, a Business Development Representative, singled out Nordstrom’s Touch ID sign-in. The department store chain has integrated fingerprint authentication to its app to remove any hurdle for customers. Allowing users to identify themselves when they open the app personalizes the journey from the get-go, completely removing the headache of checkout from the digital experience.

What if the UX was so seamless and so consumer-friendly, that it became more of an incentive for customer loyalty than the product itself? That’s what happened when Efrat, ContentSquare’s Chief Marketing Officer (and a committed coffee drinker) discovered the Starbucks app.


In an ideal world, Efrat’s preferred cup of coffee doesn’t come in a paper cup, and is made by the barista at the small coffee shop near her house. In reality, however, she often ends up ordering a grande almond cappuccino for pickup on her mobile as she leaves her house. Why? Because the coffee chain has made its app so extremely convenient that it is successfully turning coffee addicts like Efrat into UX addicts.

In fact, the reliance on digital for everyday purchases means UX often gets called the new sales assistant – helping consumers navigate decision-making and complete transactions quickly and painlessly. Brands with an online presence are often defined by the quality of their digital experience, and, as we’ve seen above, this can sometimes be a bigger loyalty factor than the product itself.

Businesses that can connect with the expectations and needs of their digital audience will be able to foster brand loyalty and carve out their space in the eCommerce arena. If you’d like to learn how next-gen behavior analytics can help you meet the expectations of your audience, watch our demo video.